Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Years Goals!


As a new year approaches, many start to think about resolutions. I've never liked the idea of resolutions and I've never kept one.

Popular resolutions are things revolving around health, losing weight, exercising more, etc.

 Last year though, I started thinking of it like a New Years Goal. It's the first time I have attained what I set out to. Last year, my goal for 2023 was to cook more at home. I think we can say I met that goal, and this blog was birthed from that goal. 

For 2024, I am building on that goal. My goal for this year is to eat healthier and to incorporate seafood into my diet at least twice a week. Some of you know, but I have had a few health challenges in 2023. Nothing too serious but that became a wakeup call for me to be more conscious about my food.  As a diabetic, I need to be aware of the food I chose to eat and its effect on my body. That is why my goal for 2024 is all about healthy eating. 

What are some of your New Years Goals? My tip is to maybe think smaller scale and less grand scale and be specific. Instead of I want to lose weight set an actual weight goal and be realistic. Instead of I want to cook more, set a set number of days a week you want to cook from home. 

Here is hoping your New Years starts out great and just keeps improving. 

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