Monday, June 10, 2024

The Organized Kitchen: What's your organization style?

To be sucessful at organizing, I have learned it is important to know your organization style. I've learned through trial and errror mostly but with some help of the Clutterbug Organization Philosophy. The creator of this method even hosted an HGTV show called Hot Mess House on HGTV. 

The idea behind this philosophy is that organization is not one size fits all. There are four different types called clutterbugs. The different types are the bee, the ladybug, the cricket, and the butterfly. 

You can take a quiz on the website to discover your organization style at the Clutterbug website. 

I have discovered through trial and error that I do not like to have everything out on cabinets or open shelving. I like things to be put away behind a door where they are hidden but organized and my cats can't get into it. 

For an introduction see below a brief synopsis of the different styles.

The Ladybug

Hidden organizers that like their everyday items out of sight. They struggle to maintain detailed systems and tend to shove and hide things. They need large bins or baskets with fewer less detailed categories.

The Butterfly

Visual organizers than can easily forget about items when stored out of sight. They struggle to maintain really detailed organizing systems and prefer fewer and larger categories when sorting. 

The Cricket

Hidden organizers who prefer items stored behind closed doors. They are detail oriented and like to store their items in many, small categories. They don't mind having to open a lid or sort items when putting things away. 

The Bee

Visual organizers who like to see their everyday items out on the open. They tend to be perfectionists and like a detailed organizing system with many categories. A bee struggles the most with letting things go. 

I am a Cricket. 100%

I learned specifically with my pantry storage I love containers; I love baskets to organize snacks. However, I hate having things out in the open where people can see them, and my cats can get into them. I love a small category. If I have the space, I do it. My canned goods are even categorized! My drawers are categorized. Even my storage space is categorized. There is something very satisfying about putting things in an organized pantry or cabinet. Everything has a place. 

In my opinion, starting your organization journey should begin with finding out your style. There is nothing more frustrating than putting money into organizing product and furniture even and finding out the whole thing irritates you. I had that with my old pantry set up. It just made me mad every time I looked at it. I have been so much happier and satisfied in my kitchen since I got a good pantry set up.

The Clutterbug website is a great resource. There are classes, organizing tips, decluttering tips, cleaning tips. There is even a section for kids.  

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