Saturday, July 1, 2023

History Cooks! Food of Lincoln's Springfield- offered weekly during the summer

Have you ever wondered what Mrs. Lincoln cooked or how ethnic diversity played into the food of the Lincoln's neighborhood? What was served at his inaugural dinner? How have we learned what the Lincoln's would have eaten in their home? Neighbors of the Lincoln's indicated that Mr. Lincoln often put on his apron and helped Mary make dinner or would help shop for groceries. History Comes Alive in Springfield IL started a new series last summer called History Cooks. In this summer series you have the opportunity to learn the answers to these questions and many more cool things and learn about a recipe that was actually a part of the Lincoln Household. 

Each week at Lincoln's Home in Springfield IL during the summer, they have partnered with LLCC's Culinary School to feature a free cooking demonstration inspired by the life and times of the Lincoln Neighborhood.  The location of the demonstration is at the Lincoln Home National Historic Site at the picnic tables near the visitor center. 

This event is offered every Friday from June 2-August 4 noon-1pm. Come check out the cooking demonstrations and receive the souvenir recipe card to recreate. 

Examples of dishes from last year's events are:

  • Hibiscus Tea Punch
  • Red Velvet Cake
  • Cucumber Salad
  • Cucumber Catsup
  • Lemon Drop Candies
  • French Almond Cake 
  • Beer
  • Fricasseed Chicken
  • Oyster Stew
  • Pickled Beets
  • Milk Bread
  • Pork Roast and vegetables
  • Onion dressing
  • Roasted Duck
  • Hoe Cakes

Upcoming remaining demonstrations for 2023 are:
  • July 7th- Mr. Lincoln's First Inaugural Ball with Chef Augie Mrozowski- pate's 
  • July 14th- Mr. Lincoln in New Orleans with Chef Howard Seidel preparing traditional New Orleans dishes
  • July 21- Bones found at the Lincoln Home with Chef Ty Bergman
  • July 28- Mr. Lincoln's Gingerbread with Sarah Adams
  • August 4- Mr. Lincoln's Diverse Neighborhood with Chef Marcus Holmes- sample of diverse menu from the time
I may just have to take one of these Fridays off work so I can check out this cool event! 

I love all the different cooking events that are offered in the area! If you find out about any others let me know. I have updated the events section with some upcoming festivals and fairs and this event as well. 

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